
A picture is worth a thousand words...

IconStore: split, crypt and send

This illustration shows how OCP stores a simple file. First the network is built: the nodes are positioned on a ring and linked together. The link set tries to be as small as possible. Each node tries to have a minimum set of links in order to not saturate the network rooting tables. We call distance between two nodes the number of links an object needs to take in order to join two nodes. The distance between two nodes must be as small as possible. This illustration shows a file to be stored. The file is first splitted in many blocks and then each block is encrypted. Then each block is delivered to a bootstrap node that will diffuse it through the distributed system using a multi-ring topology and the caching on the road.

IconInteractive distributed storage system

In this demo, You can specify the number of rings your system will have. Then you can add, remove node and see how the links are created or removed. You can also pick an address, and simulate how to store or retrieve an object located at the specified address from any node. This demo includes the processus of refreshing the distributed system when node are added or removed.

IconInteractive store and retrieve

In this demo, you can build a distributed storage system, store and retrieve file.